Learning Through Design
Building a home can be a daunting experience, but good design on the frontend can go a long way. The question is “What is ‘good’ design?” 4D EDU aims to elevate design in the residential areas of the Sioux Empire and beyond through events, workshops, and camps gearing towards design and its many applications. See our calendar below to start learning through design.
Listen in as Jesse discusses the importance of kids stepping away from technology and getting back to developing their creativity the old fashion way: Legos.
Past Events
Designing Mars
Mission: To design a habitable Mars community. Students will do so by researching real world scientific endeavors and develop their own solutions to settling the red planet in their lifetimes. Taking place in Raven Industries and using Legos and Minecraft, students will prototype their solutions by modeling them.…
Developing the Future of Sioux Steel
Kids today will be living with the built world that past & present adult builders and architects designed. Often, we assume that our designs will be appreciated and celebrated by future generations. Those kids though don’t have any say in what results. Why not allow kids to take a crack at it? This summer, 4D…
Drinks & Design
McMansions, “Or How Not to Build Them”
As Wikipedia would define it, “a large modern house that is considered ostentatious and lacking in architectural integrity.” How do we stop building them? Well, we hope to get to the bottom of it in this discussion.
Designing the Land Around Us
Our first Drinks & Design focuses on “good” home design or at least, trying to define what that really means. Next, we will be diving into what makes “good” landscape design. In building a new home, you inherently will need to manipulate the landscape…
What is Good Design?
We all have seen homes that we could consider beautifully designed, and some that are so poorly designed. But what makes a “good” design? In the first Drinks & Design event from 4D EDU, we will get to the bottom of the principles of design as it pertains to home…
Tips to Make an Older Home More Valuable on the Market
Older houses are prone to problems, unsightly areas, and are often in need of repairs. If you are sitting in an older home and trying to sell, it’s essential to make some updates to make it more attractive for prospective buyers and make it more valuable…
Design Principles – The 80/20 Rule
Designers often use the 80/20 rule as a way to focus in on important aspects of design. What the rule suggests is that 20% of a product or system’s variables generates 80% of effects. For instance, 20% of a cities roads carries 80% percent of its traffic, 20% of a…